Monday, November 20, 2006

Other Efforts

Now that the EACares Afghan is done, I'm thinking about more projects. I have my charity of choice, and I send chemo caps there as often as possible. I'm sure that as a group we'll do more projects in the future, but right now with holidays looming many people can't make the time commitment, and that's fine.

One thing that I would ask people to think about is to remember someone during the holiday season, and do a random act of kindness. Whether its sending a card or a care package to one of our service men/women overseas, donating a few hours at a local soup kitchen or shelter, sending a personal card or note to someone in the hospital or in a group home. It doesn't take a lot of time or money to show someone that you care.

During the holiday season, as we share good times and gifts with the ones that we love, lets try to send a little bit of love to a stranger in need. It goes a long way.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's done!

The afghan is finally done! I think it turned out well, and that everyone involved in every aspect of this project should be proud!!!

Special thanks to Cindy for bringing this strong family into our awareness, and to Deb for helping us make this project a reality and for putting together our message book for the family.

Everyone at EA is invited to send a message to the family. If you would like to be included, please send a message to Deb - her e-mail account is in her profile.

It was difficult to take photos of this afghan because it's so big, but I think these give an idea of how it looks.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Come Together!

A group of us came together to make this afghan, and now the squares are put together! It's great to see this thing taking shape. Lots of ends to weave in, and the entire afghan needs to be edged, but it's getting there. It will be edged in red, white and blue, and should be finished in a few days!

(image is clickable)

Monday, November 06, 2006

The joining has begun

images are clickable

The joining is going a bit better than I expected. It's a bit awkward working on something this large, but this method seems to be handling the variations in size and texture pretty well.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

It took a while,

but I finally managed to lay out ALL the squares for the EA Cares Afghan!

I tried to balance colors and textures. It's going to be a very large afghan, and I think it will be beautiful!

I'm going to edge the squares in a light brown and blue - which I think will blend well with the squares. I am a bit nervous - I don't want to screw this up. We have beautiful squares, but they're not all exactly the same size and thickness, so it may be a bit of a challenge. It surely will be a labor of love.

This photo shows all the squares layed out in order:

This is a close up (sort of) of the top 4 rows:

These are the bottom 4 rows:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

More Squares

Well, I think I have all (or most of the squares for the afghan). I think the colors are going to blend really well, and we'll have some nice colorful squares - reds, blues, green and browns (and a few other accent colors thrown in).

There are more squares than shown here - some of these are duplicated, so we have enough for one really large afghan, or two smaller comfortghans. I'll have to lay everything out for placement, and I'll post another photo.

There is still time if anyone wants to send a square!